Russia and Turkey in Global Perspective: The Limits of Convergence

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Russia and Turkey in Global Perspective: The Limits of Convergence

Russia and Turkey are important international actors with long historical, geographical, and strategic links. Both countries have had complex relations throughout history. While there have been periods of rivalry and conflict, there have also been periods of cooperation and rapprochement in pursuit of common interests. Today, Russia and Turkey’s close relations are of great importance for global peace and security as well as regional stability and economic development. Russia and Turkey’s geopolitical positions, strategic resources, regional influence, and international relations play decisive roles in world politics. Their impact on policy and security dynamics, particularly in the Middle East, the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and the Mediterranean, increases the importance of their relations on a global scale. For the stability of these regions, it is essential for the two actors to coexist peacefully without conflict, even if they have different interests and identities. At the same time, the actors’ various interests and identities limit their relations. 

Russia and Turkey in Global Perspective: The Limits of Convergence takes a broad view of relations between Russia and Turkey, focusing on common interests, potential points of tension, and the limits of convergence. The two countries’ stance vis-à-vis the West and the balance of power they form with the West, their economic, environmental, and energy-based ties, and the hybrid threats against the two countries provide an in-depth understanding of their relationship. The aim of the project is to empower relevant actors, including analysts, academics, and policymakers, with a nuanced understanding of the evolving Russian-Turkish relations, fostering informed contributions to democratic, peaceful, and geopolitically conscious foreign policy debates in and on Turkey.


Click here for the report of the first meeting: