Global Academy | South Asia Research Hub focuses on current trends and scholarly research on the South Asian region, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. It will bring together a diverse group of regional and international experts to deep-dive into the region’s various problems through Global Academy’s unique platform for interaction and exchange. It will focus on the region’s assorted issues, such as state-building problems, the crisis of governance and democracy, the rise of authoritarianism, corruption, gender matters, territorial disputes, the effects of the climate crisis, migration, and radicalization, as well as regional initiatives for peace and cooperation, and the policies of the US, China, and Russia towards the region. It will offer a venue to develop joint projects and educational programs, organize meetings, conduct research, and a platform to publish results of affiliated researchers’ works on political, economic, and security developments in the South Asian region.
Coordinator: S. Gülden Ayman, Ph.D

Dr. S. Gulden Ayman is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul University. Her areas of interest include international security with its political, military, and psychological aspects, territorial problems, and radicalization. Her current studies focus on Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. She has written extensively on foreign policy and international security issues. Her publications include “Control of Conventional Armed Forces in Post-Cold War Period,” “Greek Foreign Policy from a Neo-Realist Perspective”, “The Formula of Good Neighborhood”, “Space, Identity, Power and Foreign Policy” (in Turkish);“Stalemate in Iraq: Fundamental Parameters for Turkey” (in Turkish); and “Kyoto Protocol, European Union and Turkish Business World (in Turkish). She has received the NATO SPS Program Advanced Research Workshop Award (2006), the Fulbright Aegean Initiative Award, the UN Studies at Yale University award (2003), the Middle East Research Competition”, and Ford Foundation support (1999).
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