International Order After September 11: An Evaluation of 20 Years (10.09.2021)

In partnership with @guvenlikportali, @uikpanorama, @TRGlobalAcademy, and @uikonseyi, and with the participation of Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, Prof. Dr. Güven Sak, Ambassador (R) Alper Coşkun, Prof. Dr. Meliha Altunışık, and Prof. Dr. Haldun Yalçınkaya, the international order after September 11, 2001 was discussed and evaluations were made on the following questions.

– How should we define the post-September 11 world order? Where is Turkey located in this transformation?

– From a transatlantic perspective, how have US and NATO policies changed? What lessons have we learned from 9/11 in terms of security policies?

-Have the political dynamics of the Middle East changed after 9/11? Can we get your evaluations especially in the context of Iraq and the Middle East policies of the great powers?

– How did the Taliban transform in Afghanistan? What kind of change awaits Afghanistan and its international interventions from now on?

To listen to the audio recording of the panel in Turkish: 👇

To watch the video recording of the panel in Turkish: 👇